Annantalo façade / Immanuel Pax: Maailma jossa elämme

Annantalo façade
Immanuel Pax: Maailma jossa elämme

Address: Annankatu 30

This interplay between colours and shapes decorating the Annantalo courtyard and façade will come to life when visitors walk through the middle of the work's lights. By walking in front of the light, members of the public can see their own shadows form part of the work – as part of the world in which we live.

The work is intended as a counterblast to the cynical and narrow-minded world view that is gaining ground in Finland and Europe. Life cannot be defined as a mathematical equation and the values of society cannot be framed by economic formulae. The world is not black and white, and should not be regarded as such. We need the courage to gaze at the variety of colours and shapes that enrich our everyday lives. 

The work was inspired by the history of the related primary school, which was built in 1886 and is now an art house for children and young people. Its name is based on the title of an atlas. Devices such as overhead projectors are used as light sources. 

Maailma jossa elämme (The world in which we live) was specially commissioned for Lux Helsinki.

Photo: Lauri Rotko

Performance time: 5 pm – 10 pm

Immanuel Pax (b. 1988) is a Helsinki-based light artist, whose works have been seen on theatre stages and in urban spaces. His first permanent light installation, Än, yy, tee, NYT!  will be on display from December 2015 onwards near the Neulanen kindergarten on Orpaanporras street in Myllypuro. Immanuel's light artworks combine a site-specific, interactive approach. They require public participation in order to be realised.

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